ΓΨ History

 As one of the 900 chapters across the world, the Gamma Psi Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on February 16, 1948 on the campus of Tougaloo College, by eight courageous and spirited women. The Gamma Psi Chapter was not only the first in the state but was also the first on the yard (Tougaloo College). Gamma Psi is always coming hard. Continuing to be a step above the rest, we take our qualities and we put them to the test. It was their dream and our inspiration so today we rank highest and the best in the nation. Delta's long tradition of public service on campus and in the community is visible in programs such as the Freshmen Mentoring Program, Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Forums, Family Health & Safety Day, Adopt-A-Family, Big Brother and Sister, Delta Academy, Habitat for Humanity, Harvest Carnival, Project D.E.L.T.A., Depression Forum, The Delta Art Gallery and a host of other programs that coincide with the sorority's Five-Point programmatic thrust.  After sixty years of upholding our rich history and famous legacy, Gamma Psi women continue to make an indelible mark on the world.

Mable Jones Henderson

                                                     Katie Miller Clark

Gwyndetta Jones Edwards Magee

Helen Hamilton Washington

Margaret Johnson Howard

Doris Thompson Allen

Rachel Vincent

Mildred Morgan


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